Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lessons from Babysitting 2: At the Park

Yesterday my mom, brother, niece, and nephew and I all went to the park. Just before we left, my niece and nephew began to play in the sand pile. When they were done, we cleaned off all the sand from them so we could go in the car and go home. Well, my job was to clean off my nephew, Lucas, and just when I cleaned him off, he sits back down in the sand! Needless to say, I was rather upset and I basically thought, doesn't he realize he shouldn't go back in the sand after being cleaned off? What a rediculous thing to do! Then the Lord show me that many times we are like my nephew. So many times we do rediculous things that we know deep down we shouldn't be doing. God looks at us and thinks," Why did he just do that? He knows better!"

We follow our ways and it only gets us into more trouble. We need to follow God's wisdom and His ways found in His Word. If we do that things will be so much better. His ways and thoughts are higher and better than ours ( Isaiah 55:8-9 ). Let's follow God and His wisdom.

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