Trials. They are promised to everyone who is a true believer in Christ. They are times that can either draw one closer to God or pull him away depending on how the individual responds to them.
The purpose of trials is to make one more like Christ. In James chapter one and verse two when it says the word,"patience" it basically means endurance. When trials come, we learn to endure their presence by holding on to God and His promises. We draw close to God trust in the His control of the storm in our life and that He will remove the trial in His perfect timing. When we have this mentality and respond properly to trials, the results will be greater spiritual maturity and a richer, more joyful, and sweeter walk with God.
The choice is ours whether or not to respond properly to trials. We can either shake our fist at God in anger or we can submit to His sovereign and perfect will and draw nearer to Him. It's a critical decision that no one can make for us. If we chose to turn away from God and be angry at Him, we will be sorry for the rest of our life because we have missed out on God's best and His blessings as a result of our choice to go our own way. Also, eventually we will have to learn the lesson the Lord tried to teach us in the first place. It is so much better to respond in the right way to the storms of life. I encourage everyone including myself,"...let patience have it's perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." - James 1:4
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